Youth employment challenge

In this project, after a hard pandemic period in which the entire socio-political and economic environment was affected, it seeks to improve the employability of young people, through nonformal and informal education, and thus promote both their socio-occupational integration and the improvement of their quality of life, in order to increase the employability levels of the young people involved. This youth exchange involves 30 young people from Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain. It will last 8 days during which the young people will develop their professional and personal skills and competencies, such as resilience, empowerment and personal autonomy. All this thanks to the implementation of some methodological activities and techniques, such as group dynamics, role plays, debates, cooperative work, Project Based Learning, etc.
Partner: 21 Nap Egyesület (Hungary); Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. (Poland); Associação Nó Górdio (Portugal); Tinerilor Cu Initiativa Civica (Romania); Muévete por Europa (Spain).