Qualification Delle Competenze degli operatori dei CPI (Centri per l’Impiego)della Provincia di Salerno. POR FSE Campania 2007 – 2013 – ASSE VII – Institutional Capacity – Operational Objective 0.2). Masterplan Campania. CIG:5653429D2F CUP H46G13001990006.
Project Title
Qualification Of Skills
Proposing Entities
COSVITEC soc. cons. ar.l., Amesci Association
Funding body
Funds POR FSE Campania 2007-2013 – Axis VII, Operational Objective 0.2.
The ‘general objective of the project is to qualify the system of skills and professionalism of all staff, operators and coordinators of the CPIs of the Province of Salerno in relation to the implementation of the new functions of the Employment Services.
The intervention is aimed at all ICC Operators and coordinators, through motivational methodologies that enhance experiences and support in the resolution of subjective and objective obstacles. Since these are targeted skills, preliminary to the training intervention was the analysis of training needs, in relation to the implementation of the new functions of the Employment Services. The program included group and/or individual training paths, ways of certifying the skills learned and assistance/support in the concrete use of the same.
The methodology applied in the delivery of training consisted of face-to-face lectures and on-the-job paths to verify the skills acquired in addition to innovative teaching methodologies such as project work, study visits, trans-regional benchmarking. The thematic areas developed were:
- Computer skills;
- Language skills;
- Motivational systems;
- Communication techniques;
- Opportunities for self-entrepreneurship;
- Knowledge of territorial networks labor market operators;
- Regulations related to Workplace Safety;
- Privacy and personal data processing;
- Contract legislation;
- Labor regulations;
- Human resource management;
- Organization and quality for process management, monitoring and evaluation of results.