
Project title

Proposing and implementing entity
Cosvitec soc. cons. a r.l.

Funding body
Campania Region
CSPE “Specialization Course in European Design”
260 hours of classroom +40 hours of project work in Brussels

This course, promoted by Cosvitec, aims to offer a tangible opportunity for specialization on European institutions, new strategic directions of the EU in the use of structural funds 2007-2013. The overall objective is the qualification of one’s professional background in the field of European planning, internationalization, cooperation and research. The training course intends to offer a pragmatic opportunity for learning and training on the job: it will allow those who approach European planning, for the first time, or in any case those who already deal with it on a daily basis to specialize on “Project Cycle Management”.
This specific specialization opportunity, is based on a pragmatic-scientific approach, makes use of the analysis of European programs, relevant calls and allows the acquisition ex novo, of the euro-design skills necessary to work in public or private contexts. The issues addressed will be refined by contextualizing them to the current economic-international framework of the Mediterranean Area. The priority objective of the course is to train managers with high skills capable of seizing the opportunities for success and professional growth in European planning.

The Postgraduate Course is implemented with:
– Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Naples – University of Naples “Federico II”
– The Department of Food Science – Faculty of Agriculture – University of Naples “Federico II”
– CNR National Research Council – Institute for Plant Protection sez. of Portici,
– National Research Council (CNR) – Institute of Agroenvironmental and Forest Biology (IBAF) – Detached Operating Unit (UOS) of Naples
CSQA “Specialization course in safety and quality in the agri-food sector”
450 hours (270 classroom hours +30 guided tours + 150 internships)

Proposing and implementing entity
Cosvitec soc. cons. a r.l.

Funding body
Campania Region

The specialization course aims to create High Professional figures who can, thanks to the skills acquired during the course of the project, develop their professionalism in the field of quality systems management from a multidisciplinary perspective.
The professional figure under consideration will also make use of transversal competencies consisting of the skills acquired to cover the respective roles and functions of the company. At the end of the direct learning phase, the project planned to carry out practical activities:
(a) study visits aimed at allowing a comparison with appropriate structures (of an entrepreneurial or tertiary nature) for an ‘exemplification of the practical implications of the professional figure, developed thanks to the training course in itinere; (b) internship during which the trainees will be engaged in practical activities for the management and application of Quality Systems in agri-food enterprises.

Outgoing professional figure
Expert in management of quality systems in the agri-food sector.

The Specialization Course is implemented with the collaboration of:
– Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Naples – University of Naples “Federico II”
– The Department of Food Science – Faculty of Agriculture – University of Naples “Federico II”
– CNR National Research Council – Institute for Plant Protection sez. of Portici,
– National Research Council (CNR) – Institute of Agro-environmental and Forest Biology (IBAF) – Detached Operating Unit (UOS) of Naples
CSqE “Specialization Course in Environmental Quality Management and Energy Systems” – 450 hours (300 alula and 150 i internship/project work)

Proposing and implementing entity
Cosvitec soc. cons. a r.l.

Funding Body
Campania Region

he specialization course in “Environmental Quality Management and Energy Systems” aims to train an innovative and specialized professional profile able to transform the “problem” Environment into a resource and competitive advantage for the company. In fact, the need to specialize future managers of the green-economy stems from companies’ continuing need for Specialists capable of providing concrete answers to solve problems arising from rapidly evolving regulations that often catch the company unprepared for the changes required. The course provides the appropriate tools to analyze the nature of the main environmental management interventions needed to preserve the environment and ecosystems, in their global and local aspects, from the