Led in Portugal, Italy and Romania by Natura M3, Cosvitec and BIC, the AGERECO project aims to strengthen the agricultural sector by providing micro and small enterprises with the necessary tools to adapt to environmental challenges and optimize access to national and EU funds.
The AGERECO project – Vocational Education and Training in Agricultural and Economic Sustainability for Agricultural MSEs – started at the beginning of April. This initiative aims to contribute to the promotion of sustainable agriculture, through the training of micro and small companies in the sector. Eligible interested parties may participate free of charge in the two trainings foreseen. In the first training, participants will have the opportunity to improve their knowledge of more effective techniques to combat climate action, environmental preservation and biodiversity conservation in agricultural practices. The second training focuses on financial management and aims to provide skills for applying for national and European funds. At the end, the selected participants will also have the opportunity to participate in two international workshops, to be held in Portugal and Romania.
The training is targeted at micro and small enterprises in the agricultural sector and will take place next autumn (the first training will be held in presence, the second will be online).
The AGERECO project is an international project and will be developed and implemented at an international level, with partners from Portugal (Natura M3), Italy (COSVITEC) and Romania (BIC), it is financed by the European Commission through the ERASMUS+ program (2022-2-PT01-KA210-VET-000100515).