
Project title.
Different ability can be approached from countless perspectives. Project forces will focus on certain aspects: the aptitudes, abilities, vocational potential of people with disabilities. In addition, project activities will concern the characteristics of work organization and labor market offerings aimed at people with disabilities. The proposal intends to take stock of these issues, to carry out an analysis that involves the provincial context by framing it in broader ones, such as may be the national and/or European context.
With the intention of building best practices in the relevant sector, it will be intended to disseminate this study.
The proposed intervention finds confirmation in the European Employment Strategy (actions financed with ESF resources)and on the “European Disability Strategy 2010-2020” The proposal will be an excellent opportunity offered to the Province of Avellino to take stock of disability and the labor market today, involving and informing the operators of the Employment Centers.
The activities will start with a brief analysis of the situation and context thanks to which it will be possible to carry out the work of research and creation of a sharable deliverable. In fact, it will be Cosvitec’s responsibility to create a deliverable in which the issues of disability related to the existing labor market and the real possibilities of inclusion of people with disabilities will be addressed. In the course of the study it may be possible to question, among others, issues concerning the ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) classification of functionality.
The project action will be addressed to different types of recipients, it will concern the actors of the labor market in the Province of Avellino:
– entrepreneurs
– the operators of employment centers
– workers with disabilities,
– those who work in the labor market and deal in different capacities with targeted employment.
At the end of the study it is planned to hold a seminar to disseminate the results. An excellent opportunity in which the project results will be discussed with the community, project recipients and reference stackholders, in the intention to reflect on the possibility of activating network best practices. An opportunity for proactive reflection that will involve Job Centers and those working in the labor market and involved in targeted employment.